Media permeate and shape everyday life, social life, the environment, the sciences, design and the arts. This culture-shaping dimension illustrates the significance and ubiquity that media design means today.
In the Media Design seminar, students of the Computer Science and Media programme learn the basics of designing and creating visual media. As an introduction to their studies, they experience an introduction to typography, composition and colour as well as the conceptual foundations of design laws. As a special focus, the role of computer science in and for design is illuminated.
In addition to practical learning of elementary possibilities of design, theoretical foundations of psychological perception theory are taught. The students test digital and analogue design methods in several project works. At the end of the semester several designs for case studies in both print and screen contexts were realised.
Mhd Khaled Al Sabaah
Shady Awad
Daniela Engelhart
Fadi Fakhro
Ludwig Genth
Julia Hirt
Christopher Knoff
Leon Kasimir Koncebovski
Margarita Kuhn
Sukma Arga Kumara
Max Nowak
Bhirawa Satrio Nugroho
Gaik Teng Ooi
Justin Raschke
Vivi Roswiwie
Somar Saied
Tim Schadt
Tim Schröder
Nico Thiele
Stefan Witzak
Hesham Abushawish
Elisa Adam
Maik Adler
Jack Ainsworth
MHD Bashar Al Fattal
Alexander Albrecht
Paul Andert
Thorben Arndt
Jonas Au
Majed Aldin Bakir
Anakin Baruth
Sebastian Baselt
Haroun Abd-El-Rahim Belaid
Annabell Benecke
Moritz Binternagel
Anton Bösherz
Fabian Brackmann
Felix Buschmann
Enes-Ekber Çakmak
Shyam Chothani
Juri Cremer
Franz Stefan Kurt Dalitz
Stephane Romgo Djokam Ndeuchi
Blandine Djombeu Nono
Camillo Dobrovsky
Felix Glenetzky
Dican Güleç
Tobias Haase
Corinne Joelle Hayap Yamdjeu
Marcell Hermanowski
Doman Hoffmann
Henrik Hollmann
Philipp Hörig
Carolin Jannke
Laurin Jonientz
Nick Just
Cyril Kamgais Totso
Lorenz Karow
Lukas Kawicki
Divine Leopold Kenfack
Timur Kirimtay
Jonathan Klomfaß
Patrick Kosiedowski
Johann Martin Krebs
Laurin Krüger
Justin-Timothy Linke
Steven Lüdtke
Maike Maehs
Cedric Müller
Tobi Emma Nankpan
Morten Napiralla
Alex Landrin Njonkoua Ngantchang
Georgia Nyake
Toluwani Samuel Ojo
Simon Pawlowski
Florian Penzler
Marius Pest
Jakob Puschmann
Max Jannik Raeck
Tim Rakow
Oliver Räthe
Janek Simon Reinhardt
Patrick Rupp
Lisa Marie Schmidt
Leon Schönberg
Sebastian Schröter
Aaron-Justin Standke
Goran Stanković
Laura-Margarete Strümpfel Pereira
Rene Suhr
Maged Tesare
Michelle Tatiana Tila Tsayem
Sebastian Titsch
N’Guessan David Totokra
Pascal Treue
Maximilian Voigt
Sean Fyrel Wassom Ngangue
Richard Wolff
Fanny Wolff
Janica Wrosch
Kenneth Wünsch
Olga Zharikova