Advanced pattern-recognition systems are increasingly penetrating all areas of life. Thus, design tools are also being increasingly fuelled by AI algorithms, thereby changing the role of designers. Automation thus achieves cognitive tasks that were previously carried out by humans and now also makes design decisions independently in the context of design.
In this module of the Komplexpraktikum, the students learned to use such an AI-based face generator. The task was to use these systems to generate portraits that should look as similar as possible to the students themselves. In doing so, the course conveyed an understanding of the aesthetic potential of AI-based design tools and also sharpened the critical attitude towards the promises of so-called artificial intelligence.
Mhd Khaled Al Sabaah
Florian Banasiak
Chris Bösener
Laura Buxhoidt
Celina Cansino
Bastian Curth
Clemens Delbrück
Alexander Diel
Martine Laure Domgue Kamgue
Ariane Audrey Donfack Zomo
Julian Durchstecher
Jonas Engler
Paul Gelhaar
Sebastian Giertzsch
Moumen Harmoush
Tim Helle
Henri Jäger
Jakob Kahf
Michael II Javouret Kamga
Chin-Wen Kao
Baudouin Keunne Manfouo
Samer Khachan
Layth Khazal
Jonas Köhler De la Rosa
Jonas Kopf
Kristina Kwast
Maximilian Lehnert
Arthur Mbogning Zeufack
Maxim Mukhamadiev
Lise Hermione Ngueyep Juenang
Max Nowak
Gaik Teng Ooi
Lennart Palisaar
Fabian Pellegrini
Niels Pridzuhn
Jan Remfert
Rami Rouatbi
Paula Rühle
Sarah Sävke
Niklas Schreiner
Eric Schüler
Alexander Seelig
Veit Kilian Siebert
Karoline Stolzenburg
Jan Szataniak
Max Tepper
Maksym Vasylenko
Lieselotte Weber